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Catrinus Jepma

Prof. Dr. Catrinus J. Jepma LL.M is founder and chairman of JIN Climate and Sustainability, professor of Energy and Sustainability at the University of Groningen, senior fellow at the Energy Delta Institute, president of the European Research Institute for Gas and Energy (ERIG), and lecturer at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences. His fields of specialisation are: Energy economics, International environmental economics and International economic policy coordination. He was a.o. convening lead author, coordinating lead author and lead author of the IPCC Working Group III SAR, TAR and FAR respectively. He was the project coordinator or scientific director of a large number of research projects (including the PROBASE project, EDGaR, ENSEA, EDIaal) and advises various bodies, including the Netherlands government, on various issues, including energy and climate policy issues. He published a large number of scientific articles and books. He is editor-in-chief of the Joint Implementation Quarterly (JIQ Magazine).

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