Promoting Sustainable Energy Transfers through the CDM


“The Potential of Transferring and Implementing Sustainable Energy Technologies through the Clean Development Mechanism” (acronym: ENTTRANS), has been carried out during 2006-2007 as a Specific Support for Policies Action under the EU 6th Framework Programme (contract: ENTTRANS SSA-022673). Foundation JIN was the research coordinator for ENTTRANS. The objective of ENTTRANS was to analyse how transfer of sustainable energy technologies to developing countries could be supported through the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol. ENTTRANS resulted in a method which takes a developing country’s energy service needs as a starting point for exploring technology needs. Technology prioritisation would take place on the basis on several criteria, including contribution to the country’s sustainable development and to climate change mitigation. These technologies could subsequently be considered as potential CDM projects. The ENTTRANS process was conducted in five potential CDM host countries: Chile, China, Israel, Kenya and Thailand.

The final report of ENTTRANS can be downloaded here: pdfENTTRANS_final_report.pdf2.54 MB

Project details

  • ENTTRANS ("The Potential of Transferring and Implementing Sustainable Energy Technologies through the Clean Development Mechanism”)
  • Commissioned by: European Commission (Sixth Framework programme)
  • Duration: 2 years (January 2006 - December 2007)


  • JIN Climate and Sustainability, Groningen, Netherlands (JIN)
  • University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom (UEDIN)
  • Asian Institute for Technology, Bangkok, Thailand (AIT)
  • Publi cPower Corporation S.A., Greece (PPC)
  • Interdisciplinary Center for Technological Analysis and Forecasting, Israel (ICTAF)
  • National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece (NTUA)
  • Intermediate Technology Development Group East Africa, Kenya (ITDG EA)
  • Cambio Climático y Desarollo, Chile (CC&D)
  • Energy Delta Institute, Groningen, Netherlands (EDI)
  • Kunming University of Science and Technology, China (KUST)

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