JIQ Magazine vol. 16, no. 1 (April 2010)
The JIQ Magazine issue of April 2010 has been published, including the following topics:
- Editor's note: climate policy making is in deep trouble
- Green Invstment Schemes: A Succesful Carbon Finance Mechanism? (by Andreas Türk and Dorian Frieden)
- PhD defence Michael Dutschke: Forests are living organisms with specific social contexts
- NEON Policy Brief: Offering flexibility and financing opportunities for innovative technologies through non-ETS offset schemes
- Domestic offsets under Article 24a (by Moritz von Unger and Jelmer Hoogzaad)
- The role of women in sustainable energy development (by Fany Yuval and Asher Vaturi)
The PDF of this issue of JIQ Magazine can be downloaded here: JIQ_Magazine_April_2010.pdf1.14 MB