CARISMA Newsletter, January 2016
Coordination and Assessment of Research and Innovation in Support of Climate Change Mitigation Actions
CARISMA started in February 2015 and is carried out under the Horizon 2020 programme. Find us on our website:
- CARISMA supports the development and diffusion of options for climate change mitigation, both technologies and practices, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- Climate-friendly technologies and practices often already exist, yet for several reasons they do not enter the mainstream.
- Decision-makers in the public and private sectors alike are, for a variety of reasons, inclined to continue the high-carbon status quo.
- CARISMA aims to help them understand these reasons through extensive engagement with policy-making and business communities.
More information about the project results may be found here.
News & Events
- CARISMA Website. The CARISMA website has been launched! Here you can find information about the project, its partners, and intermediate results:
- CARISMA Kickoff Meeting in Nijmegen. The CARISMA Kick off Meeting was successfully held on 18-19 March 2015 in Nijmegen, Netherlands. Main objective was to launch CARISMA and set the framework for project implementation.
Work Progress
- Stakeholder Mapping (work package 2). Led by JIN Climate and Sustainability, CARISMA partners have identified persons and institutions from their networks who could participate in the several stakeholder consultation activities in CARISMA. With some of the identified stakeholders general interviews have been held about the scope, approach and foreseen output of the project. Other stakeholders will be specifically consulted for case study analysis.
- Options for Climate Change Mitigation (work package 3). Under the leadership of the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), the project team identified 250 options of practices and technologies for mitigation, based on a thorough literature review, expert opinions and discussion with the project partners at the Climate Change Mitigation Options workshop. The latter was a part of the CARISMA inception meeting. This ‘250 list’ is based on slightly adapted IPCC sectoral categorisation: AFOLU (agriculture, forestry and others), human settlements, industry, buildings, transport, energy, and circular economy. It will serve as the basis for the work on climate change mitigation options and their governance as CARISMA continues.
- Assessment of Mitigation Technology Options (work package 4). Under co-ordination of the University of Piraeus Research Centre (UPRC), a review of existing indicator frameworks has been carried out, in order to identify a small, coherent set of non-overlapping indicators, which will be used to assess identified options for mitigations against their socio-economic and environmental benefits.
- Climate Change Policies (work package 5). The Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) in Oxford has analysed 25 databases on climate change policies, with a focus on climate change mitigation. In a first step, data sources were clustered together with a view to gauging the available information. In a second step, SEI Oxford will carry out a stakeholder consultation to assess the needs of users of climate policy databases in order to identify data gaps and opportunities for data improvement. Results of the analysis will be presented in a policy brief, due in February 2016.
- Policy Interactions (work package 5). The objective of this task is to understand the impact on the effectiveness of a climate policy when it interacts with other climate or environmental policies. Case study analysis in this task focuses on: (1) Interaction of policies which are aimed at reducing GHG emissions, (2) Interaction of a climate change policy with an environmental and/or energy policy, (3) Interactions of policies at the EU level, and (4) Interactions of policies between national Member State and sub-national levels. This task is planned to be completed by June 2016.
CARISMA Project Partners
Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands (RU)
- JIN Climate and Sustainability, Groningen, Netherlands (JIN)
- Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels, Belgium (CEPS)
- University of Piraeus Research Centre, Piraeus, Greece (UPRC)
- Institute for Climate Economics, Paris, France (I4CE)
- ENVIROS, s.r.o., Prague, Czech Republic (ENVIROS)
- Stockholm Enviroment Institute, Stockholm, Sweden and Oxford, UK (SEI)
- University of Graz, Graz, Austria (UniGraz)
- Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark (DTU)
- Centre for European Economic Research, Mannheim, Germany (ZEW)
More information
See the CARISMA project page on JIN's website for more information, or visit the CARISMA website.