JIQ Magazine vol. 18, no. 2 (July 2012)
Dear JIQ reader,
We have the pleasure to announce the publication of a new issue of the Joint Implementation Quarterly (July 2012) with the following contributions:
- Can the New Market Mechanism Bring System Changes for Low Emission Innovation? – by Wytze van der Gaast
- New book: Challenges and Solutions for Climate Change (by Wytze van der Gaast and Katherine Begg)
- Bikin Tiger Carbon JI project - By Igor Shishlov and Mariana Deheza
- Project description "Improved Cooking Stoves CDM PoA Nigeria"
- APRAISE – update EU FP7 project on environmental policy interactions
- Introduction to Project "Interreg IV - level playing field biogas & biomethane"
The PDF of this issue of JIQ Magazine can be downloaded here: JIQ_Magazine_July_2012.pdf1.35 MB
We hope you enjoy reading this JIQ issue.
The JIQ Editorial Team