JIQ Magazine vol. 20, no. 2 (July 2014)
Dear JIQ reader,
We have the pleasure to present the latest issue of the Joint Implementation Quarterly (JIQ) with the following topics:
- Dutch study on voluntary domestic carbon crediting published
- JOANNEUM RESEARCH presents survey on European voluntary carbon market
- ENSPOL project to support energy efficiency schemes in Europe
- GreenEcoNet website launched for supporting SMEs in a green economy
- APRAISE FP7 project - policy contexts matter for effective policies
- A level playing field for European biomethane markets - The Case of The Netherlands and Germany
- GGBP report presents lessons from global green growth experiences
The issue can be downloaded here: JIQ_Magazine_July_2014.pdf1.75 MB
We hope you enjoy reading the issue.
All the best,
JIQ editors