Reviewing Implementation under the Paris Agreement
CARISMA Commentary issue 1, February 2016
The CARISMA project has published the first issue of its Commentary series. The commentary, with the title 'Reviewing Implementation under the Paris Agreement', is written by CARISMA partners Harro van Asselt & Stefan Bößner (Stockholm Environment Institute).
With the emergence of a system of voluntary pledges by countries from the Paris Agreement, attention will soon shift to the ‘review’ part of ‘pledge and review’. Review of the pledged nationally determined contributions to climate change mitigation and adaptation is needed to ensure that the Paris Agreement will achieve its objectives. Moreover, reviews can help establish and enhance transparency, trust and accountability between Parties. Review processes could also increase countries’ ambition by providing an opportunity for feedback and exchanges of ideas and approaches, and by encouraging additional reciprocal actions from other Parties. This commentary discusses the types of review included in the Paris Agreement and highlights evaluation and assessment of climate policies and their implementation.
The issue can be downloaded here: CARISMA_Commentary_1.pdf323.31 KB, and is also available at the CARISMA website.