Guidance on enhanced implementation of the results of technology needs assessments: draft interim report by the Technology Executive Committee
7-11 September 2015
In December 2014, COP 20 requested the Technology Executive Committee (TEC) to provide guidance on how the results of the technology needs assessments (TNAs), in particular the technology action plans (TAPs), can be developed into projects that can be ultimately implemented, and to provide an interim report on its preliminary findings to SB 43. 2. In response to that invitation, the TEC requested its task force on TNAs to prepare a draft interim report, including preliminary findings, on guidance on enhanced implementation of the results of TNAs.
Based on the review of TAPs and projects in the global TNA project, existing non‐TNA and existing TNA guidance, it is recommended to prepare a slim guidance document for accelerating implementation of priority technologies in a TNA with:
- a focus on ‘people’ rather than on ‘process’, which includes identification of actors and specification of their roles, as ‘champions’ or ‘enablers’, in implementing enabling actions for mitigation and adaptation and examining what can be funded by whom;
- three key steps: identification of barriers to technology implementation at desired scale, actions to address these and plans for implementation of identified actions (TAPs);
- enhanced guidance on how to estimate costs of actions in a TAP, so that potential funding providers know the cost items to be considered when implementing a priority technology at the desired scale and obtain a first indication of approximate cost levels (e.g., with help of standardised cost tables using Technology Roadmaps or other sources); and
- an elaboration on the potential role of and capacity needs for NDEs, as a contact or focal point in a country, and of the CTCN for supporting implementation of priority technologies in the countries concerned.
The paper can be viewed/downloaded from: Guidance_TNA_result_implemation.pdf946.37 KB