Interlinkages between technology needs assessments and national and international climate policy making processes
UNFCCC workshop on technology needs assessments 1-3 June 2011 - Background Paper III
2 June 2011
The objective of this paper is to explore the possible role of technology needs assessments (TNAs) in supporting developing countries pathways for mitigation and adaptation, and the possible relationships between the TNA process and other national and international climate policy making processes. The paper further explores the possible interlinkages between the TNA process and the Technology Mechanism.
The paper has the following key findings:
- A TNA can be an important source for developing countries in formulating NAMAs and NAPs because it identifies priority technologies for mitigation and adaptation in light of countries. sustainable development.
- At present, the TNA process has the most detailed methodology for working from a long term vision towards formulating projects, programmes and strategies for technology development and transfer. However, it does not contain steps for policy making and evaluation and here TNAs could possibly be complemented by LCDS and technology roadmaps.
- The potential interlinkages between TNA, LCDS, technology roadmaps, NAMA and NAP provide scope for harmonising these processes. This could possibly have benefits in the form of more efficient use of developing countries. resources and a clearer picture of a country.s technology, finance and capacity building needs.
- The results from TNAs could possibly support the work of the Technology Mechanism.s TEC by offering input for: .getting a larger picture. on developing countries. technological needs and policy and technical issues; exploring capacity building needs; and translating these into recommended policy actions.
- The possible relationship between TNAs and the CTCN could be twofold. First, the CTCN could support developing countries in conducting TNAs and implementing TNA outputs. Second, TNA synthesis could possibly be used to inform the design of the Climate Technology Centre and Network and its evolution over the time in terms of changing countries. technology needs.
- Finally, TNA reports provide information on finance and capacity building needs for successful development and transfer of technologies in developing countries. This information could be useful for private, public and multilateral institutes in terms of formulating their finance and capacity building support programme and allocating support actions effectively.
The paper can be viewed/downloaded here: BG_Paper_III-TNA_interlinkages-gaast.pdf872.05 KB